Big thanks to the US Navy’s Blue Angel Team for buzzing the South Florida Coastline today. The Flyboys passed over multiple medical institutions from Boca Raton in the north to Miami Beach in the south as a tribute to the front line health workers in these buildings and the 75th Anniversary Of Victory In Europe Day of 1945 which heralded the beginning of the end of WWII.
Watching them got us a little emotional, and also set us to wishing The 2020 Airshow had not had to be cancelled due to COVID 19, and we figured we might not be the only ones. So please enjoy these free images from LENSOLOGY’s coverage of the 2019 Ft Lauderdale Air Show last year.
If you like any of the photos, we would be honored for you to to use them on your own blogs or socials totally free!!
A link back to us or any of our socials would be nice, but not mandatory….but we just ask that our watermark be kept intact.
Just click and drag them to your desktop to enjoy!……but most of all stay safe so we can all be at the 2021 Air Show together.
@blueangels @lenslogyphoto – #eventphotography – #southflorida #fortlauderdale – #frontlineworkers #covid19heroes #FortLauderdaleAirShow – #eventprofs #lensologyrocks